Want To Sell Your Listing Above Asking Price?
Try Dusk Photography To Spark A Bidding War
How would you like to “wave a magic wand” and transform any boring old listing into a glamorous, hot piece of real estate that will have buyers fighting to see who pays most?
It should be no secret, in this market, that finding listings to sell is harder than finding willing buyers. So when you *do* have a listing under contract, you should strive to make the most of your opportunity, by selling far above the asking price whenever possible.
“Twilight photos are a proven way to create even
greater demand on any listing, in any market.”
Of course, all twilight photography is NOT the same. For amateur photographers and D.I.Y listing agents, catching the right contrast between light and dark – while running a race against sunset can result in shadowy, unusable pictures and wasted time you simply can’t afford.